Cedar Boschan

Accountant, Boschan Corp.

About this speaker

Cedar Boschan has over 20 years of entertainment accounting experience and a 30-year track record in the music industry, including serving the California Copyright Conference as a Board Director for four years and serving the Association of Independent Music Publishers as National Treasurer for four years. Ms. Boschan founded her forensic accounting firm, Boschan Corp., in 2015. She and her firm are known for innovative and respected royalty audits, expert witness testimony and valuation services. 

Additionally, Ms. Boschan helps music publishers and film studios defend against audits and prepare outbound accountings. Ms. Boschan earned a B.S. in Music Industry from USC in 1999 and has studied valuation at New York University. For three years, she taught music royalty accounting and applied economics courses at Los Angeles College of Music. Ms. Boschan has been a featured speaker at the Beverly Hills Bar Association, The GRAMMY Museum, SXSW, Loyola Law School and USC. She is a resource to the media, having been quoted in publications ranging from Billboard and Rolling Stone to the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

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Models & Money: Selling The Artist Catalog

February 25, 2023, 09:10 PM
Andrew Calloway Cedar Boschan Foza Fawehinmi Rob Bonstein