Audiense [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth]

Hiring For: Tech Roles, Non-Tech Roles, Entry-Level, Remote, Outside US & UK, Sponsor Booth

About this speaker

Audiense is the world’s pioneering Audience Intelligence platform, helping marketers and consumer researchers to be innovative and develop relevant audience-centric strategies through proprietary social consumer segmentation, and providing insights on who they are and how to engage with them in the most meaningful way.‍ Audiense can be integrated seamlessly as part of your insights tech stack. We offer integration with a range of partners. If you want to find out more about what sets us apart from the competition, get in touch with our team.

At The Booth:

Career Fair & Sponsorship Booth: Robert Gil Massa (Account Executive, Audiense)

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Measure of Music Early Networking: Startup Pitches, Career Fair, Speed Networking & More

February 25, 2023, 10:00 AM
SoundCloud [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Audiense [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] makromusic [Startup] Offstage [Startup] Your Music Marketing [Startup] Black Lives in Music [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Groover [Startup] Lex on the Decks [Artist] Measurevent [Startup]