Feed Media Group [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth]

Sponsor Booth

About this speaker

Feed Media Group’s music APIs make it easy, fast, and legal for businesses to use licensed music to create engaging customer experiences that drive revenue.

FMG’s music APIs are built for businesses and crafted to deal with all aspects of in-app music streaming including curation, formatting, and managing all the complex details that relate to the commercial use of copyrighted music.

At The Booth:

Sponsorship Booth: Melissa Clark (Director of Marketing, Feed Media Group)

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Measure of Music Late Networking: Startup Pitches, Career Fair, Speed Networking & More

February 25, 2023, 10:00 PM
Nettwerk Music Group [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] RYLTY [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Royalti.io [Startup] RealCount [Startup] Josplay Inc [Startup] Feed Media Group [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Vicky Pasion [Artist] AfroCharts [Startup] Merchro [Startup]